General Release Notes:

Custom Reports:  To improve responsiveness to client-specific reporting needs, PDS has been upgraded with support for custom reports. These reports are built in the same manner as custom ID Cards and can be built focusing upon the Structure, Household, or Individual. As part of this process, the designer for custom reports/cards has seen substantial improvements in ease of use, and field alignment support.
Additional General Improvements:  Besides the obvious changes, the entire software has had a thorough review of our efforts to make ProgenyES as effective and reliable as possible.

Release Note Details:

10.1.2 (2020-09-14)

-    Updated to prevent adding underage attendees to events
-    Fixed Family Style 2 showing a blank line for alternate names
-    Updated the Mailing Label report to have a Save as Default checkbox
-    Updated zip code handling to allow the user to pick from multiple cities/counties when there is an overlap
-    Fixed snap lines not lining up when zoomed into the card layout editor
-    Added a missing scroll viewer to the payment module single check dialog
-    Fixed Database Setup custom tabs unassigned tab not showing
-    Added a remove option for fingerprints
-    Added a scroll viewer to Database Setup tabs
-    Updated to show enroll status, enroll number, and deceased in the tab for each data entry
-    Moved the report builder living/deceased filter just below the filter section
-    Fixed some profile report fields not being blue
-    Fixed dependents id number field to show a mode-specific caption
-    Updated the Card Layout Editor snap options to persist
-    Updated the Custom Report Editor snap options to persist
-    Fixed application id setting for new system DB creation
-    Fixed creating new user DB's on a fresh install
-    Fixed BIA number update when blank crashing Progeny
-    Added support for updating ethnicities and cultures on upgrade
-    Updated Rappahannock's entry in the master list
-    Added max length cutoffs to the login screen
-    Update Topaz signature capture text to wrap
-    Fixed loading tribe conversion codes
-    Added custom report
-    Updated prompted fields to not require %value% in id cards
-    Fixed autosuggest textbox wording falling behind the dropdown arrow
-    Added snap support for the id card designer
-    Added the last login to the security users list
-    Added option to id card for expiration by birth date
-    Added support for the LAC Tract special BIA field on ID Cert
-    Updated custom trees to only show Progeny placements
-    Added debugging support for mag tracks on ID Cards
-    Fixed PDS tabs showing up when selecting placement of UDF
-    Fixed eft/ach not exporting from the payment module
-    Updated default id card expiration format to MM/dd/yyyy
-    Added id card expiration selector
-    Added an icon to the login timeout button
-    Improved placement handling to work cross-application
-    Fixed adding cultures and adding cultures to ethnicities

KISS Principle

"keep it short and simple" and "keep it simple and straightforward".