Maintenance Agreement Login

Progeny News & Information:
New ProgenyES Certified Release: Version is here! ... Release Notes
Redesigned: ProgenyES has been rebuilt from the ground up, request an online demo today!
Tribal Data Resources, Inc.(TDR) celebrating 40 years in business.
Advanced Family Tree Builder
Discover new ways to produce your Family Tree.
Multi-generation display: 3, 5 and All.
Provide members with standard and custom Family Tree reports.
Family Tree Builder displays family members in a multi‐generational tree format and direct record access.
Create and Display Endless Multi-Generation Display
Improved Data Entry
Collect full membership information and history.
Calculate Blood Degree.
Scan documents, export and import PDF function.
Add Photos, Blood Quantum, DOB, Addresses, Age, Gender, Ethnicity, Linage, Custom User Defined FIelds and much more!
Keeping your membership information up-to-date
Report Builder & Enhanced Mapping
Create Custom Reports.
New Mapping provided by CartoType and
Save Custom Reports to the Open Library.
Build Custom Reports, Produce full maps, and quickly and easily open saved custom reports from the Open Library.
Building Stronger Memberships
Identification Cards
New and Improved Card Layout Editor.
Card Options for Quick Modification.
Full ID Card Print History.
Design your own personalized ID card with the new Card Layout Editor. Produce Enhanced Tribal Card or WHTI compliant.
Define your Organization, Create a Stronger ID
  • Advanced Family Tree Builder Create and Display Endless Multi-Generation Display
  • Improved Data Entry Keeping your membership information up-to-date
  • Report Builder & Enhanced Mapping Building Stronger Memberships
  • Identification Cards Define your Organization, Create a Stronger ID