General Release Notes:
Back-end Unification: The back-end of Progeny has been re-designed to meet a unified back-end specification for Progeny and PDS. Going forward all major/minor matching versions of Progeny and PDS will be able to utilize the exact same databases and will be able to seamlessly export and merge data from one to the other.
Filestream Support: As part of the new back-end specification, Progeny’s heavyweight image containing tables have been updated to support SQL Server Filestream columns. This dramatically improves database performance and allows clients to stay on express versions for longer, as large images are no-longer counted against the size of the database for licensing purposes.
PDF Support: PDF support has been added for preview, and reporting for individual documents.
Default Record Access: The Default Record Access feature from version 9 has been re-added. This allows record access to be automatically set when new records are created on a per-user account basis.
Database Access: The Database Access feature from version 9 has been re-added. This allows databases to be secured on a per-user account basis.
Additional General Improvements: Besides the obvious changes, the entire software has had a thorough review in our efforts to make ProgenyES as effective and reliable as possible.
Release Note Details:
10.1.0 (2019-07-19)
- Fixed a crash bug with Canada mode opening records
- Fixed localization for several data entry fields
- Added missing values to the Indian Status drop-down
- Fixed localization issues for Canada mode
- Added user database upgrade logic for unified back-end
- Added system database upgrade logic for unified back-end
- Merged DmgData and ProgenyData into CommonData
- Migrated EventsData into CommonData
- Updated Progeny exec for back-end update
- Updated Progeny plugins for back-end update
- Fixed an error with WHTI card handling
- Added filestream support
- Fixed showing size for large document maintenance
- Updated DTS
- Updated the export and merge logic for compatibility with the new process
- Added default record access
- Added database access
- Added PDF support to Document capture, display and report