General Release Notes:
Report Builder Geosite Overlay: Overlays of the fenced geosites may now be displayed on report builder maps.
Address User Definable Fields: User defined address fields may now be added to records.
Country Specific States: State drop-downs have been updated to show values specific to the currently selected country.
Drag to Add Images: Images may now be dragged into the application for documents, photos, and logos.
Report Builder Click to Add Buttons: The much requested buttons for adding filters and output without dragging have been re-added to the Report Builder.
Login Timeout: The automatic login timeout feature has been re-added.
Password Change: The user password change feature has been re-added.
Bulk Profile Report: The bulk profile report feature has been re-added.
Bulk CIB Report: Support for bulk CIB reports has been added.
Additional General Improvements: Besides the obvious changes, the entire software has had a thorough review in our efforts to make ProgenyES as effective and reliable as possible.
Release Note Details:
10.1.1 (2020-02-20)
- Fixed custom sections not displaying for parents in Family Style 2 report
- Fixed base roll id for children on Family Style 2
- Fixed resolution date, relinquished date, and enrollment date displaying the null date on profile report
- Fixed an issue with clearing filestream columns
- Fixed quantum by tribe filtering
- Fixed birth month filtering
- Fixed ensuring the empty household exists
- Fixed modified date for database register
- Fixed version display in register
- Added buttons for adding items to report builder
- Updated adding landbases to show the other landbase areas for easy reference
- Added landbase display and toggle to report builder map
- Improved add/edit landbase initial map view
- Updated country/state combos to display country-specific states
- Added PDS to Progeny merge
- Updated the minor address update form to show checkboxes
- Added login timeout
- Added password change dialog
- Added bulk profile report support
- Revised all reports to use the cached report system
- Updated to DevExpress 19.2
- Added bulk CIB report support
- Added drag to add for individual documents
- Added drag to add for individual photo
- Added drag to add for logos
- Fixed closing new record with formatted enrollment number
- Fixed log file showing SQL password
- Fixed calculate ethnicity from parents missing values
- Fixed ‘Unknown’ Tribal Voter option in Report Builder
- Fixed Database modified date remaining unknown
- Fixed Custom Quick Tree causing a crash for unsaved record
- Fixed typo in report builder for withholding type
- Fixed invalid payment addresses causing upgrades to fail
- Fixed Docx export failing
- Updated Parcel and Share output to show percent sign in report builder
- Fixed card preset flyout on removal
- Updated divorce date to be disabled unless the status is divorced
- Fixed UDF sections displaying data on blank Profile Report
- Added standard file filter for adding logo from file
- Added support for logos from pdfs
- Updated Canadian Indian Status Options
- Updated eligible for payment checkbox to not occupy the whole line
- Fixed change history not showing when payment information changed
- Fixed logging for Basic Cert, CTE and Record Change History
- Added explicit filters for hair, eyes and child relation
- Improved query builder date handling to support datetime2 range of dates
- Fixed eye filter being exclusive
- Fixed hair filter being exclusive
- Fixed child relation status filter being exclusive
- Fixed an issue with adding pdf to logos
- Added denied spouse status filter to report builder
- Fixed Guardian filter for mother and father in report builder
- Fixed default password expiration
- Fixed age delineation report date range problems
- Fixed restore backup under a different name
- Fixed card created date on report builder output to N/A for empty values
- Fixed profile report showing the percentage of parcel twice
- Fixed CTE comments loading from CIB
- Fixed export since the last date crashing
- Fixed record subsequent saves failing after an export
- Fixed validation for quantum filters in report builder
- Fixed payment withholding type filter in report builder
- Fixed signature crop crashing
- Fixed removing a locked registrant
- Fixed printing id cards to card printers
- Fixed card type filter labels in report builder
- Fixed card type filtering in report builder
- Fixed ssn prompt in report builder
- Reverted report caching from the application
- Updated to prevent adding fingerprints to read-only record
- Fixed Report Name filters being anded in report builder
- Fixed editing family links in the family tree for read-only records
- Fixed filtering survey fields for phone
- Fixed filtering survey fields for text
- Fixed Detail Family Tree record 5 and 6 Total quantum cross-wiring
- Fixed hair filter duplication
- Fixed eye filter duplication
- Fixed pink eye color filter grouping
- Fixed filter by Payment Type in report builder
- Fixed document title for dragging to add with long names
- Added address UDF handling to Profile report
- Fixed undo for removing saved reports in the library
- Fixed DateTime filtering in report builder to handle datetime2 values
- Fixed age projection at least/excluding in report builder
- Added inactive status to spouse enrollment filters in report builder
- Fixed duplicate filter prevention for father relation in report builder
- Fixed duplicate filter prevention for mother relation in report builder
- Fixed duplicate filter prevention for spouse relation in report builder
- Fixed duplicate filter prevention for child relation in report builder
- Fixed duplicate filter prevention for card type in report builder
- Fixed duplicate filter prevention for affiliation in report builder
- Fixed leap day-age projections causing crashes in report builder
- Fixed document drag and drop name trimming